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* Don't judge a book by it's cover.*   A sage used to live outside village. He used to wake up early in morning and go to river bank to take bath and meditate routinely. There he saw a man lying on ground with his head kept on woman′s lap and beside him was an empty bottle of alcohol. Seeing this sage thought that, this man is consuming alcohol and lying in woman′s lap. Later, he heard a voice coming from river. He saw that a man was drowning and asking for help. He saw that man who was sleeping on woman′s lap woke up and jumped into river to save that man. Man successfully saved that person from drowning. Seeing his actions, Sage got confused and couldn′t decided weather this man was good or bad..?. So, Sage went to that man and asked, Who are you and what are you doing here? Man replied, I am a fisherman. I was tired of traveling for several days. Just today I reached my village. So my mother had come to receive me. She bought food and water for me. But,

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