My lovely fnds

My lovely friends

"If you have crazy friends, 
You have everything "

Most people living on this earth believe that friends are the most important part of our life. There is no real definition of friendship, because there is no one way to define it.

Now I studying at  university. In my hostel life I have two crazy friends also my room mats.

Once name "chii ponga"😜.she has big round beautiful face with wide eyes.she put her hair on both sides of her face. Always make others laugh at her comedy. She love a lad. It also crazy love. She always laugh at herself when her boyfriend text her.initially I was scared but after become it is usually happend. There is another strange thing,ha ha she got very fear to walk in our hostel. Because it was marbled. She was slipped down when beginning of came to this hostel. I laught at her when she was walk.

Another crazy is also lovely one 😁lol. She is a pretty like Mumtaj.she is a novel crazy. She read novel continuously. She forgotten her meal,sleep while starting a novel to read. She trust all the matters we told, if it true or not. 😯then she look at our face and ask really?, as childish.

With such interesting things, our friendship going on. I really thank god to having these kinds of crazy friends. Because always they very helpful and I forget my worries when their Comedies.I love both of these crazies very much.

"We are best friends, always
Remember that when you
Fall, i'ill pick you up, after 
I finished laughing "


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